A week after torrential rains started lashing the state, the flood situation in Assam remained grim on Thursday with two more deaths taking the total to 11 since May 13 and the number of those affected rising to over 717,000. In 7 days, 27 districts of Assam have got affected by floods. (PTI) According to a bulletin issued on Thursday evening by Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA), 1,790 villages in 75 revenue circles of 27 districts have been affected by floods. Standing crops in nearly 64,000 hectares have also been affected. Hindustan Times – your fastest source for breaking…
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Reduce, Reuse and Rethink is a CBC News series about recycling. We’re exploring why our communities are at a turning point and exploring ways to recycle better. You can be part of the conversation by joining our Facebook group. What if plastic were made from waste like banana peels, coffee grounds and cardboard takeout containers instead of petroleum? And what if, after use, that plastic decomposes like the biological materials it was made from? Toronto-based Genecis, a biotech startup, is trying to make that dream of greener plastic a reality and to make it cheap enough to use in everyday…
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Wednesday 13 December 2023 Yarra is introducing a new food and garden organics (FOGO) service in 2024. Council’s new FOGO waste collection service will provide our community with a new avenue to reduce waste and recycle more materials. This service will reduce emissions from landfill and contribute to Victoria’s circular economy. Each year, Yarra City Council collects around 15,500 tonnes of material from residents and organizations that is sent to landfill, with approximately 40% made up of food and garden organic materials. These materials in landfills break down over time, releasing large volumes of methane into the atmosphere, contributing to…
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CINCINNATI — A college student took a school project seriously when asked to design something with sustainability in mind. What You Need To Know Caroline Bussick used a school project on sustainability as a way to learn more about making products made from entirely re-used materials The UC senior used food waste like coffee grounds and avocado pits to dye fabric Bussick then partnered with coffee shop Mom n ‘Em to use their food scraps to design a canvas bag for the store Now, Bussick said the project solidified that he wants to work in sustainability in some way after…
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Ensuring the supply of food to the constantly growing world population and protecting the environment at the same time are often conflicting objectives. Now researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have successfully developed a method for the synthetic manufacture of nutritional protein using a type of artificial photosynthesis. The animal feed industry is the primary driver of high demand for large volumes of nutritional protein, which is also suitable for use in meat substitute products. A group led by Prof. Volker Sieber at the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability (TUMCS) has succeeded in producing the amino…
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In Seoul, garbage cans automatically weigh how much food gets thrown in the trash. In London, grocers have stopped putting date labels on fruits and vegetables to reduce confusion about what is still edible. California now requires supermarkets to give away — not throw away — food that is unsold but fine to eat. Around the world, a broad array of efforts are being launched to tackle two pressing global problems: hunger and climate change. Food waste, when it rots in a landfill, produces methane gas, which quickly heats up the planet. But it’s a surprisingly tough problem to solve.…
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